and processed by Stephan Simon May, 1998 |
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According to our "Flying Maple Project"-event taking place in June 1998, all participants of our group (the Virtual Classroom) edited these reports in order to demonstrate our endeavour to learn more about Canada and its people. It was me who suggested the topic 'Industry and Research' because I am basically interested in science and technology. Hence, I browsed the internet to find a lot of information on Canadian Industry such as INTERFOREST LLC and Canadian research facilities such as NRC. All in all I tried to make the report reasonably short enough so that everyone would be able to read the texts more easily. Enjoy reading ! The author.
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Firstly the Canadian Industry Structure (CIS) should be considered:
Canada's industry shows an overview of the
revenue, size and cost structure of the industry including
domestic market calculations. Some questions that can be answered
are for instance:
1.What is the strength of an industry from an investment
2.What is the size of the downstream market for products from
your industry?
3.What is the strength of the upstream suppliers to your
These questions are all part of the Canadian quality management leading companies to their special purposes.
As a special example for Canadian industry I would like to introduce INTERFOREST LLC which is also situated at the locations we are visiting on our trip to Ontario.
INTERFOREST is composed of a world-wide network of scientists and professionals with expertise in all aspects of forestry from forest engineering to ecology to economics. Working in a team-based environment, INTERFOREST provides diverse forest property planning and management services. For each assignment a team of experts is carefully matched to the objectives of the landowners and the characteristics of the forest and its setting.
Their mission is to increase the value and liquidity of forest properties for major landowners and investors through the application of state of the art science and techniques in ways that demonstrate environmental leadership. Their timberland investment services are focused on both hardwood and softwood forests worldwide.
INTERFOREST helps clients become global leaders in the practice of forest management and the demonstration of environmental stewardship. With an emphasis on economic productivity, they promote the sustainable and responsible management of forest resources for multiple benefits. This ensures their clients' forests retain financial, social and ecological value for generations.
INTERFOREST's approach to forest management is strictly organized on four elements: The network uses integrated teams of scientists and managers that include all necessary disciplines but that function without disciplinary boundaries. In addition to the application of state-of-the-art, science and technology are derived from scientists rather than literature. There are continuous dialogues with stakeholders, various management decisions and actions to formally learn from designed comparisons built into management activities.
INTERFOREST offers services such as Strategic Forest Management Planning, Forest Management Program Implementation, Forest Management Support Services, Sustainability Assessment, Forest Management Environmental Impact, Evaluation Forest Stewardship Planning.
Many of INTERFORESTs' consultants are affiliated with the worlds most respected universities such as Yale University, University of Washington or Oregon State University.
Because of its impressive management, economy and research, INTERFOREST has the ability to bring the highest quality planning, analysis and problem-solving skills to the management of their client's assets.
According to INTERFOREST LLC the PAPER Industry should be considered as well:
PAPER Industry
These are establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fine, specialty and sanitary papers. Principal Activities and Products such as:
Blotting paper, mfg.
Book paper (exc. groundwood printing), mfg.
Bristol paper, mfg.
Decalcomania paper, mfg.
Duplicating paper, mfg.
Facial tissue stock, mfg.
Filter paper, mfg.
Fine paper, miscellaneous, mfg.
Lightweight paper, mfg. and many more.
Axiomatic Technologies is a Canadian innovative company specialized in the research, development and manufacture of Industrial Control Systems and Software Duplication Machines.
Its products and services cover a wide range of data processing systems and multimedial technologies:
Diskette Duplicators: Autoloader Standalone Duplicators, Autoloader PC Attached Duplicators and Manual Duplicators, CD-R Autoloader Duplicator, Diskette Labeler, CDR & CDR/RW Drives, Media and Accessories.
To learn more about Canada's industry... Canadian Company Capabilities if you would like to research the size, location, products, and services offered by firms in this industrial classification (SIC). GO HERE !
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The Canadian Technology Network (CTN) offers all the right connections: If you run a small or medium-sized technology related business in Canada, the Canadian Technology Network can give you access to a wide range of technology and related business assistance through a cross-country network of advisors.
Besides, it links federal and provincial government labs and agencies, universities, community colleges, industry associations, technology centres and economic development agencies. Together these organizations provide innovative Canadian companies with quick and personal access to expertise, advice and information about how to meet technology and related business challenges. All in all CTN covers a wide range of integrated information and technology systems of which the following are guaranteed:
Profiles of organizations that are doing ground breaking work in the technology sector.
Profiles of organizations that offer business-related servcies such as financial, management, marketing and training.
The names and address of experts in a wide variety of technological fields.
Offers of technology and service profiles from more than 30 technology-related business sectors.
Acces to testing services, capability and equipment available.
Research and development interests within universities, and published papers by researchers. And finally sources for relevant documents.
For more than 80 years, the National Research Council of Canada has been the principal science and technology agency of the Canadian federal government. With 16 research institutes located in eleven major centres across the country, NRC is well-positioned to foster regional economic innovation.
NRC operates various facilities for technology and information such as the Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI), NRC Research Press, the Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP), and the Canadian Technology Network (CTN). These help thousands of clients every year quite impressively. To learn more about the vast network of NRC click here.
A good example for a NRC operated facility is the NRC Biotechnology Research Institute in Montréal, Quebec
Scientists for instance work in specific teams to find out more about receptors and signal transduction, proteases and protease regulation, target identification and characterization, molecular design and structural biology.
...or the NRC Institute for Chemical Process and Environmental Technology in Ottawa where technology is developed for industrial and manufacturing processes such as the increase of the operational efficiency of these processes. They try to achieve the best performance and function from materials, to evaluate product or process designs and to prevent pollution.
Institute for Information Technology (IIT)
The Institute for Information Technology is one of National Research Council's 16 research institutes. Its mission is to assist industry across Canada to improve competitiveness through excellence in information technology by supporting and undertaking focused, industry-oriented research in software and systems and by applying Information Technology in partnership with other NRC Institutes.
As its mission, NRC's Institute for Information
Technology (IIT) helps Canadian companies turn ideas into
technologies and
products. IIT is the hub for NRC's information technology
initiatives and brings opportunities in software and systems to
Canadian industry. Working with other NRC Institutes, IIT
develops innovative solutions to industry's research,
manufacturing, and engineering problems.
IIT states that "good working relationship requires project participants to have a common understanding of the project and of their respective roles and responsibilities. To ensure this common understanding, a project agreement is negotiated and signed in each case. The structure of collaborative agreements with NRC depends on company needs."
The Institute for Information Technology is a member of the Canadian Technology Network.
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Considering the great efforts in Canada to widen and advance various networks of information and technology I must confess that this country basically invests its capabilities in reseach and technological development. It seems very likely that there are a bit more opportunities than in Europe or the USA - Canada is in my point of view a state of innovative progress and scientific development. Even universities contribute to the vast nework that makes it all up for a better communication between younger and older generations.
Text edited and processed by Stephan Simon, May 1998